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Keys to protect the chlorine hair from the pool

With the arrival of summer, the pools begin to fill with people. However, if we usually take certain preventive measures to protect hair from chlorine in gyms, why do not we also do it in public pools?

In gyms or if we go to a spa center they will always recommend us to wear a cap. Not only to prevent the water from getting dirty due to the hair that can fall on us but in order to protect our hair.

Keys to protect the chlorine hair from the pool

How to protect hair from chlorine

With this information that we have now, it is important that we know the reasons why the water in the pools has this chemical element. The reason is explained in the article Trihalomethanes in swimming pool water in four areas of Spain participating in the INMA project: “chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in Spain”.

Because it is a chemical that disinfects, it does not surprise us that if we tend to go to the pool, our hair often ends up becoming dry, brittle and loses its natural shine. Fortunately, there are several keys to prevent this from happening.

Use a swimming cap

This accessory is essential. It will protect our hair since it will not be in contact with water. However, there are different materials with which the caps are made: cloth, silicone, polyurethane, and latex. With the latter, you have to be especially careful since you usually wear some hair when putting it on and removing it.

Keys to protect the chlorine hair from the pool

Both should use a swimming cap to protect their hair from chlorinated water.

Apply some oil

If you do not want to be the only one wearing a cap in the public pool, there is a formula to prevent chlorine from damaging the hair fiber. This is applying oils such as argan, coconut or olive.

  • Rubbing a little oil on the palms of your hands, and distributing it throughout the hair, will make it more resistant to this type of water.

Moisten hair before

Another way to protect the chlorine hair of the pool is to moisten it before with cold water, although we can also wash it. The reason is that this simple gesture will prevent hair from absorbing water with chlorine.

However, it will always be preferable to combine this with some of the above options to protect the hair as much as possible.

Apply a good mask

Although we use a hat for the pool or one of the other options it will be convenient to apply a good mask afterward. Although there are formulas that we can buy, we can also make our own homemade hair masks.

They usually give very good results and can be applied every day on the hair, or the times we go to the pool, without any problem.

Protect hair from chlorine when it is dyed

In addition to all the above options, we may have a doubt about dyed hair. It is not the first time that a person who has breached his hair has made some fuses or has changed the color observes how it turns yellowish or green.

Keys to protect the chlorine hair from the pool

Women whose hair is dyed should reinforce care when it comes to protecting hair from chlorine.

As noted in the article Impact on the health of the compounds used in the treatment of water in swimming pools. State of the matter can be produced «alterations of the characteristics of the hair, modifications of certain dyes, etc.

To prevent this from happening, it is not only necessary to put the above-mentioned keys into practice but to take the habit of using specific shampoos for our hair type. For example, for bleached hair, we must use certain products.

As we have seen, protecting the chlorine hair from the pool is not difficult. There are many ways to do it, although it is essential that we always take some measure whether we usually go to the gym pool frequently or if we are just enjoying it during the holidays.

Also, remember that we must take special care in the event that we have freshly dyed or discolored hair. Waiting a week before getting into the pool or always wearing a hat will be important to avoid color alterations.

How do you protect your hair from the pool? Have you ever tried the solutions we mentioned? Share with us your experience.