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3 types of pedicures to beautify your feet

Taking care of the feet is just as important as taking care of other parts of the body. Therefore, we invite you to learn about the different types of pedicures, their benefits and some recommendations. Keep reading!

3 types of pedicures to beautify your feet

The aesthetics of the feet is important for both women and men. For this reason, in recent years several techniques have been developed for its care. Do you know the 3 types of pedicures to beautify the feet?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends these types of interventions to reduce problems such as corns and calluses. But which option to choose? It all depends on your needs. Next, we tell you more about it.

Types of pedicure and their characteristics

Grooming your feet frequently prevents discomfort in the nails, since all the elements that usually fit in them are removed. In this way, the possibility of presenting pain in the area is reduced and, incidentally, the feet are healthy.

But it must be clarified that there are several types of pedicure. Each of them fulfills a specific purpose, and must be carried out by a professional in the area. Know its main characteristics.

1. Basic or normal

The basic pedicure is a type of cleaning of the feet in which the attention is mainly focused on removing dead skin and calluses that are in that area. Within the existing types of pedicure, this provides the minimum care required to avoid discomfort or pain due to ingrown nails.

Regarding the procedure, what is done is to insert the feet in a container with warm water to soak them for a few minutes. The nails are then superficially cleaned, and calluses are brushed with a paddle to remove them. To finish, polish is placed on the nails.

3 types of pedicures to beautify your feet

The basic pedicure allows to keep the feet soft, free of dead cells. Also, it reduces the risk of ingrown toenails.

2. Spa

Many often confuse the basic pedicure with the spa. There is a clear difference between them, and that is that the spa function is to provide relaxation to the muscles of the foot with the help of hot stones and other elements.

It should be noted that the technique varies according to the aesthetic center. Today, many spa pedicure establishments massage the area with tools other than hot stones.

There is also a new method known as Jelly spa, which offers more softness to the feet. In any case, the important thing is to keep in mind that foot care has the same relevance as the other parts of the body. With this, future inconveniences are avoided.

3. Clinical

The clinical or full pedicure is a more professional category. It is often recommended by specialists, since it covers everything related to foot care. Without a doubt, it is one of the most useful types of pedicure to maintain healthy nails and skin.

Thus, when you attend these sessions, they not only focus on cleaning the elements present in the nails, but also calluses are removed and massages are provided to relax.

Some key points to consider for a clinical pedicure are the following:

Diagnosis of the feet, to be able to know exactly what treatment to apply.
Soak your feet in warm soapy water, then proceed with cleaning.
Application of special moisturizing creams for the area.
Cleaning the nails and calluses.
Relaxing massages.
This is the ideal type of pedicure for men and women, since the results have better quality and greater durability.

Essential steps for a complete pedicure

The care and maintenance of the feet is essential for general well-being. Therefore, these practices should be done regularly. Regardless of the type you have, there are a number of essential steps to a complete pedicure. Take note!

Desinfectar los pies

The first step in implementing a pedicure is disinfection. It is necessary to sanitize the work area and all the tools to be used. Also, the person who will perform the procedure should wash their hands well.

Remove old nail polish

If you have semi-permanent or classic polish on your toenails, it must be removed before starting the pedicure. The products used in this case depend on the type of enamel. It must be done with care to avoid mistreating the nails.

Put your feet in warm water

In a bowl, add warm water and soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes. In this way, the hard areas are softened to work on them in a friendly way. Note that, in some places, they apply a little soap to the water to help clean better.

Cut the nails

This is one of the primary steps in pedicure. Usually, specialists take their time to cut nails properly. Thus, they prevent them from being incarnated in the future. In other words, they prevent nails from growing in the wrong direction, which can lead to pain and infection.

In these cases, the ideal thing is that the nails are kept short so that they do not harbor bacteria or dirt. It should be noted that professionals in the field know exactly how to cut the nails, according to the type of foot.

File nails

Once all the nails have been trimmed, it is time to file them. Through this step, they are given the final shape and impurities are removed from the surface.

Remove cuticles

This point is a bit controversial, because not everyone agrees with the removal of cuticles. However, many times it depends on the taste of the person. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that removing cuticles can be counterproductive. In particular, it can damage the nail or allow bacteria to enter.

In any case, to reduce the unsightly appearance that they give to the nail, the area can be hydrated every day with natural oils or products designed for it. If they cause discomfort, you can pull them back, but not cut them.

Cleanse the skin

When the nails are the correct length, the next step is to clean the entire foot. In this sense, the calluses are removed or any type of hardness is softened. Areas such as the heels, toes and sides are the ones that suffer the most.

Add polish

This step falls into the aesthetics section, so you can get creative with nail polish color, designs, etc. The type of enamel depends a lot on personal taste, but the semi-permanent is recommended for its durability.


Last but not least, it is necessary to hydrate the feet to complete the pedicure. Even so, the hydration process done by the professional is not enough. It is necessary to repeat this treatment at home, either with creams or natural oils.

Every night you can apply a layer of cream and let it absorb while you sleep. This ensures that the area remains smooth and free of dryness.

3 types of pedicures to beautify your feet

Hydration is essential to keep the skin on your feet healthy. Therefore, a moisturizer should be applied every day.

Final recommendations to take care of the feet

Beyond choosing any of the types of pedicures, it is important to take care of your feet every day. Although many ignore it, this part of the body tends to present problems due to lack of moisture or inadequate hygiene. In this sense, put the following into practice:

Clean well with mild soap and water, and don’t forget the area between your toes.
Dry with a clean towel before wearing any type of footwear.
Apply cream or moisturizing products, especially on the heels.
Change your socks every day.
Wear comfortable shoes that facilitate perspiration.
If you have any symptoms of foot conditions, such as fungus, irritation, cracks, among others, consult your doctor or dermatologist. Timely attention to these situations is key to avoiding complications.