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How to do exercises with elastic bands to strengthen your abs

The abdominals with elastic bands are ideal for toning and increasing muscular endurance. Do you dare to incorporate them into your routine? This time we share with you some recommended exercises.

How to do exercises with elastic bands to strengthen your abs

Elastic band exercises have become popular with those who want to strengthen their abs. This tool allows you to add difficulty to your workouts without the need to gain weight. In addition, it is ideal for working all muscle groups, including the core area.

One of the reasons why its use has spread is because of the possibility that they offer to train at home without the need to use machines or weights. They take up very little space and have different degrees of resistance to vary the intensity of the workout. Do they really work?

Research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that training with elastic bands helps improve balance, gait function, and flexibility. Likewise, it induces greater neuromuscular fatigue than exercises with isometric contractions. Let’s see how to use them for abdominal work.

7 exercises with elastic bands to strengthen the abdomen

The abdominal muscles play a fundamental role in supporting the body, the containment of the viscera, the expiration process, urination, among other functions. Its strengthening through exercise enhances muscular endurance, improves aesthetics and promotes well-being.

Although there are many exercise routines to achieve this, elastic band workouts have become popular for their practicality. They can be done from anywhere, and do not require other types of tools. Do you dare to do these exercises with elastic bands to strengthen your abdomen?

Dead weight

The deadlift is an exercise that is usually done with a barbell or dumbbells. With elastic bands it is also very interesting. An article in Plos One magazine states that this variety of resistance exercise is ideal for increasing muscle strength, reversing muscle loss and losing weight.

While it works the lower body muscles to a great extent, it also benefits the abdominal and lumbar area. There are many variants, but you can implement the following:

Start standing with your feet hip-width apart, with the elastic band wrapped around your feet.
Take one end in your hand (if you have an open band), so that your fingers are facing outward. Tighten the elastic band to the point you want.
With your lower back arched, bend forward at the waist and knees. Lift your chest and straighten your upper back, with your head facing forward.
Next, raise your torso, continuing to tighten the elastic band. Assess if the rubber is tight enough and correct before repeating. You can also do this exercise with a closed elastic band.
Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.

How to do exercises with elastic bands to strengthen your abs

The rubber band deadlift works your lower body and abdominal muscles.

One-legged T-row

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Wrap the elastic band around your right foot, while holding the other end in your left hand.
Bear your weight on your right leg. Then rotate your hips and lean forward so that your left leg is extended back.
When your chest is parallel to the ground, pull on the elastic band, bringing your left elbow back and keeping it close to your side.
Extend your arm and then return to the starting position. Complete about 10 or 12 repetitions on each side.

Leg raise from the ground

This exercise is very simple when performed without material, but with an elastic band it is quite complicated. You will need a closed or open rubber band, to which you will have to tie a knot.

Lie on the floor on your back, with the elastic band around your ankles.
Keep your hands on the floor and your legs straight, and lift one straight leg up to a 90 degree angle while pressing the other leg into the ground.
Switch legs. You can lower one leg first and raise the other later, or combine the two movements, as if you were doing scissors.


The bridge is one of the exercises that can be done with elastic bands to strengthen the abdominals. A study published in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy agrees that it is an ideal complement to strengthen the muscles that give stability to the trunk.

Begin by lying on your back, with your legs bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor.
Place the elastic band just above your knees and lift your hips as high as you can, but with your upper body relaxed.
Squeeze your glutes and hold them there for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself. Repeat 12-15 times.
For a more intense and challenging variation of this exercise, place the elastic band on your pelvis and hold it against the floor with your hands.

Mountain climber (mountaineer)

The mountain climber or mountaineer is a popular abdominal exercise, which has an interesting aerobic resistance component. To practice it with elastic bands, it is advisable not to do it too quickly and to concentrate on the technique. You will need a closed or knotted band at the distance that suits you.

Begin in a plank position, with the elastic band wrapped around your feet so that it surrounds the sole at the bridge area.
From there, bring one knee to your chest, engaging your abs well. Then return to the starting position.
Change legs, and repeat again in a continuous movement, about 10 or 12 times.


One of the exercises that cannot be missing in your routine with elastic bands for abs is the bicycle. Its practice strengthens the obliques, improves stability and promotes fat loss. You need a closed or open band, to which you will have to tie a knot.

To start, lie on the floor, face up, with the elastic band around your thighs, just above the knees. Place your hands behind your neck, with your elbows open. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle and activate your core.
From this position, lift your shoulders off the ground and extend your left leg as you rotate your right elbow toward your bent left knee, which comes closer to your elbow. Change sides to bring your left elbow to meet your right knee.
This exercise can also be done in its standing variant. Simply apply the elastic band in the same way and raise one bent knee. Bring the opposite elbow to meet it.

How to do exercises with elastic bands to strengthen your abs

To increase the resistance of these exercises, choose a stiffer resistance band.

Russian twist with elastic band

A classic exercise within the routines to strengthen the abs is, without a doubt, the Russian twist. It is often done with a medicine ball or a dumbbell. However, it is also valid to add resistance with the elastic band. It can be closed or open.

To start, get into a seated position, with your knees bent and your heels flat on the floor.
Wrap the resistance band around your thighs and hold the ends of the band with both hands. You can also place the rubber on the feet, passing it behind the soles (you will have to keep your feet flexed so that the elastic band does not escape).
From this position, engage your obliques and roll to the right side, pulling on the elastic band.
Repeat to the left side and complete 12-15 repetitions.

Take into account your capabilities

When doing these exercises with elastic bands for abdominals it is very important that you take into account your own abilities in order to avoid injuries, and so that you can complete the series effectively.

As much as possible, you should be able to do the exercises without rubber bands with ease and fluency. The idea of using the bands is to offer an additional challenge. If you’re having trouble doing the exercises on your own, it’s best to do more sets or reps until you’re ready to add more difficulty.

Elastic Band Exercises For Abs: What Should You Remember?

The resistance of the elastic band is decisive when performing these exercises. It is preferable that you start with a softer band or a less demanding diameter, and work your way up little by little.

That the rubbers are not heavy and easy to use does not mean that their use does not pose a risk of injury. If you use too much resistance you can hurt yourself. Therefore, it is advisable to assess the tension with caution.