Top 10

TOP 10 Ways to Increase Your Dog’s Life

TOP 10 Ways to Increase Your Dog’s Life

TOP 10 Ways to Increase Your Dog’s Life

We all want our fur babies to live with us forever, after all, we love them so much and they are an inseparable part of our families. However, just as we humans have to leave the world one day, the same goes for our little pets. Although we can’t help them stay alive forever, we can definitely help them increase their lifespan. All you have to do is follow the simple tips given below and it will certainly keep you healthy and help increase your life.

TOP 10 Ways to Increase Your Dog’s Life

TOP 10 Ways to Increase Your Dog’s Life:

10. Take good care of their teeth

Tooth decay is a common problem in dogs, but it is more dangerous than you think. Decayed teeth can not only cause dental problems but can also lead to infections throughout your dog’s body, especially the kidneys and heart.

Although it is natural that most dogs do not have fresh breath and perfectly clean teeth like humans, their gums and teeth should be reasonably clean. Make sure you have a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste formulated specifically for your dogs. It will be better to opt for a dual-headed toothbrush that helps brush at a 45-degree angle, as it will help to clean below the gum line.

9. Follow whatever your vet says

Even if your dog looks perfectly healthy, you should have him visit the vet for a general checkup at least once a year, and twice a year once he enters old age. Wellness exams are designed to help maintain optimal health and provide a good record of your dog’s health history once he begins to age. This also helps your vet easily identify any potential problems early, and if a problem is caught in its early stages, then it’s easy to treat successfully.

8. Help maintain a healthy weight

Not only humans are obese, but pets also suffer from this problem. If dogs are offered too much fatty human food, they can easily become overweight, and this can also be the case if you don’t offer your pet enough exercise.

So another way to help your dog enjoy a long life is to make sure he always stays within a healthy weight range. Feed your pet on a consistent schedule and also keep track of the amount of food you offer.

7. Her mind should be healthy too

Just like people, mental stimulation in dogs also keeps them happy. If a dog is bored, he can easily become anxious and depressed, and even sick. To extend the life of your dog you must keep it busy. Once your dog begins to age, some easy ways to keep his mind active include socialization, training, one-on-one attention, and other engaging activities.

A dog is never too old to learn a few tricks. So he can try a dog sport like agility, lure racing, or some advanced obedience lessons. Your dog will thoroughly enjoy these stimulating activities, and as you both learn the new skills together, your bond will grow as well.

6. Exercise is very important

Not only will feeding your dog the right food help increase his life, but you also need to make sure he stays fit. Exercise is very important to keep them fit, and this will also help your pet live longer. Exercise can reduce stress, balance emotions, and mood, and increase endorphins. Plus, it will keep your pet’s cardiovascular system fit and keep them happy.

To prolong your furry friend’s life, take him for a regular walk or jog. If your dog has a canine friend, you can take him off the leash and let the two of you run and play together. This will reduce stress and improve the quality of your life.

5. Allow your dog some relaxing time

Everyone should have some time to relax, even your dog. Stress can negatively affect your dog if he is in a continual state of anxiety. You need to create a kind of balance, where your dog gets enough exercise. But you also have some time alone to relax.

You need to make sure that your dog stays away from all kinds of activities and sleeps alone for at least an hour every day. Also, never force them to get involved in activities.

4. Give affection

Just as humans need to feel loved and cared for, dogs also need positive interaction to survive. You should never adopt a dog if you cannot offer it enough time, affection, and love. Even rescued dogs come to life when they receive love and attention, and thus it is sure to do wonders for your furry child. Make sure you spend enough quality time with them and this will keep them happy and prolong their life.

3. Keep your home clean and healthy

If your home is free of harmful chemicals and toxins, you will at least reduce the chances of your dog getting sick or developing any sorts of allergies. If your dog is always allergy-free and healthy, there is a better chance that he will live a longer life.

2. Neuter or spay

Neutering or spaying your dog can increase its life expectancy by 1 to 3 years. Neutered males do not get testicular cancer and are also less likely to suffer from prostate problems. Spayed females are not likely to be affected by mammary cancer and are not likely to have fetal infections in the womb.

1. Take care of their joints

Just like in humans, dogs’ joints also wear out over time. Arthritis and dysplasia are among the common problems that pets suffer from. This is why you must ensure that your pet enjoys good joint health.

The first thing you should do is offer them a lean, healthy diet and feed them more phosphorus-rich foods. The next important thing to do is consult your vet to find some good joint supplements for dogs. If your dog’s joints are healthy, this alone can extend his life by up to 2 years.