Fitness Health

Obsessive thoughts: what are they and how to fight them

Obsessive thoughts can condition our life. How can we stop them? In this article you will discover some very useful ways that will be of great help to you.

Obsessive thoughts: what are they and how to fight them

Obsessive thoughts are those to which we go round and round in our head without being able to avoid it. It is as if we ruminate on them and the ball gets bigger and bigger, causing our worry and anxiety level to increase.

The General Council of Psychology of Spain (COP) refers to these thoughts as a form of pathological concern that has to do with anxiety and depression. However, this excess rumination leads to an increased risk of relapse in these disorders.

What are obsessive thoughts?

Obsessive thoughts are those that generate a lot of anxiety, nervousness and concern at the possibility of believing that they can come true, as explained by the Cerebetia Psychology Center. These appear in an intrusive way and affect our well-being.

An example of intrusive thinking is believing that we are going to be fired from work for doing something wrong or that we are going to get a traffic ticket for seeing the police. These thoughts are irrational and, for the most part, they are never fulfilled. So, wouldn’t it be better not to dwell on them too much?

The problem is that it is difficult to stop them. What is the use of thinking about what we will do if we are diagnosed with a disease when we still do not know the results of the tests? Going ahead causes us anxiety and discomfort, which conditions the rest of the actions.

Are obsessive thoughts associated with other conditions?

Obsessive thoughts are often associated with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). But they are also frequent in people with anxiety, depression or who have been diagnosed with some type of personality alteration.

However, it is important not to put obsessive thoughts aside, but they must be fought as soon as possible. Well, in the event that anxiety or depression improve, the appearance of these ruminations can cause a new relapse.

Obsessive thoughts: what are they and how to fight them

Depression and other disorders can complicate its evolution when obsessive and repetitive thoughts interfere.

3 recommendations to combat obsessive thoughts

Going to a psychologist who can give us professional help is essential to prevent these types of thoughts from conditioning our lives. Thanks to a personalized therapy we can feel better, although this will take time.

1. Stop thinking

This is a technique that some psychologists recommend, although not all. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy. It is that when an intrusive thought approaches us, we can say “enough” or “stop” out loud. In time, we will be able to do this mentally. The thought stop technique would allow us to realize the large number of obsessive thoughts that we have.

2. Time to think

When we have mastered the technique of the thought stop, it is time to start with another which is the time to think. The thought stop is fine, but there are things we do need to think about and reflect on. For this there is that moment that should be about 15 minutes maximum.

What we will do is allow ourselves to think about everything that we have been braking throughout the day. It should always be done at a specific time of the day.

3. Relaxation techniques

We already have the two previous techniques to curb obsessive thoughts, but we still have something else. Practicing yoga or meditation is essential if we suffer from thoughts of this type. Plus, it helps the above techniques take hold.

When practicing yoga or meditation, stress and anxiety are reduced, allowing us to better manage the thoughts that approach us and that make us lose control. Playing sports also contributes; We can walk for 30 minutes, meditate for 5 minutes, and practice yoga for 15 more minutes. The important thing is to do this on a daily basis.

Obsessive thoughts: what are they and how to fight them

Meditation is a relaxation tool that helps reduce obsessive thoughts.

Obsessive thoughts should not dominate us

Not being able to curb obsessive thoughts is a problem. They end up paralyzing us, causing us to live each day with stress, being unhappy. Seeking help is the first step we should take to manage them in a more positive way.

But in addition to asking for help, the recommendations made to curb these thoughts will also be essential. Doing relaxation exercises, being mindful of your thoughts, and giving yourself time to think will be great. We will start to feel better.