Home automation: what is it, pros and cons

Do you dream of having a smart home? Then you should know what home automation is and what its advantages and disadvantages are. Learn more about it in this article!

Home automation: what is it, pros and cons

Year after year, new technologies emerge that simplify and improve the lives of human beings. Innovative machines to perform surgeries and detect diseases, faster means of transport, tools to improve the industry. In this article we will talk about home automation, with the pros and cons of implementing it in your home.

The fourth industrial revolution is a term that refers to the convergence of digital, physical and biological technologies that are transforming humanity at an accelerating rate. It is a process that we are currently experiencing and that is marked by automation, the internet of things, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the digitization of various environments.

In the midst of this process of convergence of various technologies, smart homes are becoming more and more common. These are houses that have the automation of various processes to make it easier for their inhabitants to control their functions. In this context, home automation is a key concept that we will explain to you.

What is home automation?

Home automation is the meeting of a series of technologies that are used for the intelligent control of homes. Home automation systems allow to provide comfort, security and efficiency in the use of household resources.

The word home automation comes from the Latin domus, which means ‘house’, and tica, which means ‘automatic’ or ‘it works by itself’. In conclusion, it is a set of technological systems that make it possible to automate household processes, such as energy management, security, communication, heating or the control of household appliances.

Home automation systems are usually integrated into communication networks (internet) that allow to centralize and control processes in a simple way. It is even possible that this control is exercised from outside the home.

Pros of home automation

Having a home with a home automation system brings a lot of comfort to the home. It allows you to easily manage many functions and adapt the technology to your needs and routines. It’s a great way to take advantage of breakthroughs to simplify life.

The Spanish Association of Home Automation and Real Estate indicates that there are three levels to classify home automation installations. The first is minimal and usually includes climate and blind control, for example. Level 2 is intermediate and level 3 is considered excellent.

Home automation: what is it, pros and cons

Various functions of the house, if automated, can be controlled from outside the home, with mobile applications.

Energy saving

By intelligently managing lighting, appliances, water, heating systems and air conditioning, among others, it is possible to reduce energy consumption. Consequently, the cost of invoices will decrease and resources can be used more rationally and efficiently.


A smart home is safer. On the one hand, it allows the implementation of anti-theft systems, fingerprint recognition at entrances, alarms and surveillance cameras to carry out strict controls.

Second, it provides security in the use of different objects and services. In this way, it is possible to detect gas leaks, fires, floods and electrical faults in time. It also allows automatic surveillance of pets and children.

Simplicity and comfort

Smart homes offer their inhabitants a lot of comfort. With home automation it is possible to turn on, open, close, turn off and control various functions of household appliances, lighting, security and air conditioning from the cell phone or with remote controls.


A smart home facilitates the management of the elements of the house for people with various physical and mental conditions. For this reason, a home can be better adapted for blind people, with mobility limitations or delays in cognitive development. It also facilitates safety for children and sick people.

Steady improvement

One of the great advantages of modern technological systems is that they integrate machine learning into their operation. This means that they learn automatically using algorithms and data to predict future behaviors.

This translates into a constant improvement of functions at home, which will be adapted to the routines, preferences and lifestyles of each family.

Cons of home automation

We have already talked about the advantages of home automation. However, not everything is positive when implementing it. There are some difficulties when it comes to having a smart home.

It is important that you consider it. Likewise, it is key that you consult with expert companies that make the correct installations and provide guarantees.

Expensive investment

Although owning a smart home sounds like a wonderful option, the initial investment is quite high. Especially when you have an old house or apartment that needs to be retrofitted from scratch. This presents a great difficulty.

Internet dependency

A smart home depends on the network and its speed. Therefore, a good internet provider is required to ensure that the system works correctly and quickly.

Data vulnerability

Although home automation favors security, paradoxically it can also reduce privacy. As everything is handled with the internet, there is a risk of receiving viruses or being vulnerable to attacks. In addition, for their intelligent operation, the devices must collect user data.

Systems compatibility

Automated homes allow you to centralize the control of your home in a simple way. However, there may be the difficulty that not all systems are compatible with each other. To get the most out of a smart home, it’s important to educate yourself and invest in compatible technology.


When dealing with technological systems, it is necessary to implement periodic updates and maintenance. Although it is not about frequent tasks, it is important to take it into account when making an annual budget.

Home automation: what is it, pros and cons

Technology is not without its drawbacks. Many devices connected at the same time require good internet and that it is stable.

Expectations of home automation in the future

Although 50 years ago thinking about robots that cleaned houses or appliances that could be asked any question sounded like a utopia, today it is reality. The internet of things and artificial intelligence will play a more important role in society every day.

Despite the fact that home automation seems a privilege, it will be more implemented in offices, companies and homes in the coming years. Cell phones will be a control center for homes, which will allow managing and monitoring functions from a distance.

As you have read, it is a technology that facilitates many processes and provides well-being and comfort to homes. However, its implementation goes far beyond comfort. It can be integrated into green building or sustainable systems.

A publication of the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications points out that the impact of home automation on society can be positive for green technologies and renewable energies. Likewise, it is helpful to be more efficient in spending.